My learning experience in the Use Of Technology TESOL Course.
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Taking this course was very helpful for me I feel proud of the knowledge I got. I was a great experience with the Professor for helping me in all my doubts and to my dear classmates who are very helpful.
Hi everyone, my name is Herlinda Saez. In this blog I want to share what I have been learning about using technology in the classroom. One of the greatest benefits for technology in the classroom is student workplace readiness. Mobility is currently the next great movement in the workplace, and students who use technology in the classroom today will be more adapted to using it in the future. The importance of technology in the classroom goes even beyond simple digital literacy: it promotes workplace soft skills like critical thinking, independent research, and cross-technology proficiency. I have been inspired by my Husband David who knows a lot about technology. Everytime I had a question to create this blog, he helped me. I am also inspired by my kids because they great explorers. I remember one day I was trying with a projector and one kid came to me and helped me and I was like Wow!. My knowledge learned in this course is to be applied ...
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